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谷歌拆分无人汽车业务 新成立Waymo公司|伟德国际app安卓版下载(官方)最新下载IOS/安卓版/手机版APP

发布时间:2025-02-12 09:05:01 点击量:200
本文摘要:Google is putting its self-driving car technology into a new company which it will call Waymo, the firm has announced. Waymo will be owned by Googles parent company, Alphabet.谷歌日前宣告,将把其无人驾驶汽车技术投放一家取名为Waymo的新公司。

Google is putting its self-driving car technology into a new company which it will call Waymo, the firm has announced. Waymo will be owned by Googles parent company, Alphabet.谷歌日前宣告,将把其无人驾驶汽车技术投放一家取名为Waymo的新公司。Waymo将归谷歌母公司Alphabet所有。

At a media event, the company showed the story of a blind man who was able to make a full trip using a prototype self-driving car.在一次媒体活动中,Waymo公司描写了一位盲人的故事,他需要用于原型无人驾驶汽车已完成一次原始的旅行。Steve Mahan rode alone in our prototype vehicles, cruising through Austins suburbs,” wrote Googles John Krafcik. Steve is legally blind, so our sensors and software were his chauffeur.谷歌的约翰·克拉富西克写到:“史蒂夫·马汉独自一人驾驶员我们的原型汽车,游览了奥斯汀的郊区。

史蒂夫是法定盲人,所以我们的传感器和软件是他的司机。”Mr Krafcik will become Waymos chief executive. The company said it will try to apply the technology behind self-driving vehicles to other purposes.克拉富西克先生将沦为Waymo的首席执行官。

该公司回应,不会尝试将无人驾驶汽车背后的技术用于其他目的。While other companies, most notably electric car maker Tesla, have managed to roll out elements of self-driving technology to real roads, Google has been taking a far more cautious approach.虽然其他公司,如最知名的电动汽车制造商特斯拉,早已设法将无人驾驶技术的元素到推展到确实的道路上,但是谷歌仍然采行更为慎重的方法。

The Waymos announcement could suggest that Google will deviate from its original goal of only offering 100% self-driving vehicles.Waymo公司的声明有可能似乎,谷歌将背离其完整目标--仅有获取100%无人驾驶汽车。Google did not respond to reports that it was abandoning making its own car in favour of working with other, perhaps more established, carmakers.有报导称之为,谷歌退出生产自己的汽车,或许是为了与更加成熟期的汽车制造商达成协议合作。不过谷歌公司未回应做出对此。

